Studies & Publications
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Analysis (2019)
About this publication
The San Diego County Regional Airport Authority oversees the operations of the San Diego International Airport (SAN), conducts the planning for the future air transportation needs of the region, and serves as the region’s Airport Land Use Commission, ensuring the adoption of land use plans of all 16 of the county’s airports.
The Airport Authority is a self-sustaining agency that generates revenues through user fees and rents from airline and non-airline business partners operating at SAN; it is not funded by local tax revenues.
In 2017, the San Diego International Airport’s overall economic impact was $11.9 billion, supporting 116,571 direct and indirect jobs and adding $3.9 billion to the annual regional payroll.
The Airport Authority completed fiscal year 2018 with an operating income of $96.7 million before depreciation. Total fiscal year 2018 operating expenses increased by $15.7 million to total $274,652 million.
Key Findings
The San Diego County Regional Airport Authority oversees the operations of the San Diego International Airport (SAN), conducts the planning for the future air transportation needs of the region, and serves as the region’s Airport Land Use Commission, ensuring the adoption of land use plans of all 16 of the county’s airports.
The Airport Authority is a self-sustaining agency that generates revenues through user fees and rents from airline and non-airline business partners operating at SAN; it is not funded by local tax revenues.
In 2017, the San Diego International Airport’s overall economic impact was $11.9 billion, supporting 116,571 direct and indirect jobs and adding $3.9 billion to the annual regional payroll.
The Airport Authority completed fiscal year 2018 with an operating income of $96.7 million before depreciation. Total fiscal year 2018 operating expenses increased by $15.7 million to total $274,652 million.
Over the last ten years, the Airport Authority’s fastest growing operating revenues have been Ground and Non-Airline Terminal Rentals, reflecting a 265.54% growth. The Airport Authority has also received approximately $25.4 million in grant awards for the federal fiscal year ended September 30, 2018, representing a 302.63% increase over the last ten years. Passenger Facility Charges and Customer Facility Charges are the largest components of nonoperating revenue.
During the same period, the Airport Authority’s fastest growing expenses were equipment rental and repairs and utilities, which in fiscal year 2018 comprised 6.16% of total expenses, reflecting a relatively stable pattern when compared to their sum of 6.86% in fiscal year 2008.
The Airport Authority’s total long-term liabilities per enplaned passenger total $139.42. Its reserves policy follows state-level regulations.
The Airport Authority places emphasis on investing in employee and customer experiences as well as on environmentally-conscious planning and development, as evidenced by their multiple efforts to address an increase in demand for their facilities.
The U.S. Congress has established the general requirements and identified the permitted and prohibited uses of airport revenues.
Airport, Economic, Analysis, SDTEF
About the author